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Pethes Mária: Give me your hand (Add a kezed in English)

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és riadtan várjuk a feloldozó hajnalt
az elmaradt ölelés mozdulatában
lelkünk sírva egymásért remeg
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1996. április 26.

Uploaded byFehér Illés
Source of the quotation

Give me your hand (English)

Before the workaday sweep us away
Before in our small day to day wars
we inflict new wounds on each other
Give me your hand
before you realise how
I also disappointingly
am but mere woman
Give me your hand
Before our lives
like the overwhelming cinnamon fragrance
of my grandmother's cakes melt into thin air
Give me your hand
Before our hands forget
the motion of caressing
and our fingers clenched to fists
stare into sweating palms
Give me your hand
And the nights
those dreadful nights
when like smooth-bodied dolphins
cast upon the shore we thirst for a kiss
and startled await the absolving dawn
set in the movement of that lost embrace
and our crying souls tremble each for each
Give me your hand

Uploaded byLeslie A. Kery
Source of the quotationMagyarul Bábelben
