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The page of Bella István, Works translated to English

Image of Bella István
Bella István


Birth of the world {Kery, Leslie A.} (A világ születése)
In this twilight {Kery, Leslie A.} (Ebben a félhomályban)
My memories {Kery, Leslie A.} (Emlékeim)
My older twin brother {Kery, Leslie A.} (Ikerbátyám)
Only that light {Kery, Leslie A.} (Csak az a fény)
Only the lamb {Kery, Leslie A.} (Csak a bárány)
Silence {Kery, Leslie A.} (Csönd)
That, which falls away {Kery, Leslie A.} (Ami elmarad)
The first cinema {Kery, Leslie A.} (Az első mozi)
When the world ended {Kery, Leslie A.} (A világ végén)
With fingers spread far and wide {Kery, Leslie A.} (Szanaszét széledt ujjaimmal)
Words on the slate {Kery, Leslie A.} (Szavak a palatáblán)

Works without translation

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