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Áprily Lajos oldala, Angol életrajz

Áprily Lajos portréja
Áprily Lajos


1887 born in Brassó (Transylvania)
1890 student in Székelyudvarhely (Transylvania)
1899 student of the Protestant College of Kolozsvár
1909 Teacher’s Diploma for Hungarian and German Literature; becomes a teacher in Nagyenyed
1913 first son born, Zoltán Jékely, who later becomes a poet
1918 under the pen name Áprily, publishes first poem in the journal, Új Erdély (New Transylvania)
1923 obtains a Teacher’s Diploma in French Language and Literature in Dijon
1926 moves to Kolozsvár with his family, becomes a teacher of the famous Protestant College
1928 Editor of the literary periodical, Erdélyi Helikon
1929 moves to Budapest
1934 becomes the Director of the Baár-Madas Institute for Girls; one of his most dedicated students is the poet Ágnes Nemes Nagy
1935 journeys in Europe
1942 for a short period moves back to his homeland
1943 builds a home in Szentgyörgypuszta (close to Budapest and Visegrád
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