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Profile: Bursán Miklós

Authors (0+1/1)

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Works (0+4/4)

0. 45 Mercy Street [Sexton, Anne; en]
1. A Late Spring Day in My Life [Bly, Robert; en]
2. After Auschwitz [Sexton, Anne; en]
3. Prayer for My Father [Bly, Robert; en]
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Translations (0+5/5)

0. Auschwitz után [After Auschwitz; en ⇒ hu]
1. Életem egy alkonyodó tavaszi napja [A Late Spring Day in My Life; en ⇒ hu]
2. Halálvágy [Wanting to Die; en ⇒ hu]
3. Ima apámért [Prayer for My Father; en ⇒ hu]
4. Mercy Street 45 [45 Mercy Street; en ⇒ hu]
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Anthology ::
Literature ::
Translation ::
