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Bly, Robert: Üreges fa (A Hollow Tree in Hungarian)

Portre of Bly, Robert

A Hollow Tree (English)

I bend over an old hollow cottonwood stump, still standing, waist high, and look inside. Early spring. Its Siamese temple walls are all brown and ancient.  The walls have been worked on by the intricate ones. Inside the hollow walls there is privacy and secrecy, dim light. And yet some creature has died there.
On the temple floor feathers, gray feathers, many of them with a fluted white tip. Many feathers. In the silence many feathers.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Üreges fa (Hungarian)

Egy öreg, még derékmagasan álló nyárfarönk fölé hajlok, és belenézek. Kora tavasz. A rönk sziámi szentélyfalai barnák és ősiek. A falakat tekervényekkel diszítették. Az üres falak mögött meghittség, titok, homály. De valami mégis meghalt itt.
A szentély padlóján tollak, szürke tollak, néhányuk hegye fehérfodrú. Rengeteg toll. A csöndben rengeteg toll.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationK. Gy.
