In the Room of the Bride-Elect (English)
'Would it had been the man of our wish!'
Sighs her mother. To whom with vehemence she
In the wedding-dress--the wife to be--
'Then why were you so mollyish
As not to insist on him for me!'
The mother, amazed:'Why, dearest one,
Because you pleaded for this or none!'
'But father and you should have stood out strong!
Since then, to my cost, I have lived to find
That you were right and I was wrong;
This man is a dolt to the one declined...
Ah!--here he comes with his button-hole rose.
Good God--I must marry him I suppose!' Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | |
A menyasszony szobájában (Hungarian)
„Ó, azt a másikat hogy szerettük!” -
sóhajt az anyja. De csattan a lány
- a nászkoszorú már ott a haján -:
„Mért is nem estek nékem együtt?
Ha kényszerítenek, úgy talán...”
Az anyja ámul: „De gyermekem,
te sírtál: ez, vagy senki sem!”
„Jaj, mért hagyták, hogy megmakacsoljam
magam? Azóta, jaj, tudom én,
hogy jót akartak, s ostoba voltam;
ez bábu - az volt ám a legény!
Jön, gomblyukába rózsa - nagy ég!
Félek, a férjem lesz ma még!”
Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | T. I. |