The Hay Hotel (English)
There is a window stuffed with hay Like Herbage in an oven cast; And there we came at break of day To soothe ourselves with light repast: And men who worked before the mast And drunken girls delectable; A future symbol of our past You'll maybe, find the Hay Hotel.
Where are the great Kip Bullies gone, The Bookies and outrageous whores Whom we so gaily rode upon When youth was mine and youth was yours: Tyrone Street of the crowded doors And Faithful Place so infidel? It matters little who explores He'll only find the Hay Hotel.
Dick Lynan was a likely lad, His back was straight; has he gone down? And for a pal Jem Plant he had Whose navel was like half a crown. They were the talk of all Meck town; And Norah Seymour loved them well; Of all their haunts of lost renown There's only left the Hay Hotel.
Fresh Nellie's gone and Mrs Mack, May Oblong's gone and Number Five, Where you could get so good a back And drinks were so superlative; Of all their nights, O Man Alive! There is not left any oyster shell Where greens are gone the greys will thrive; There's only left the Hay Hotel.
There's nothing left but ruin now Where once the crazy cabfuls roared; Where new-come sailors turned the prow And Love-logged cattle-dealers snored: The room where old Luke Inoin whored, The stain on which John Elwood fell; Some things are better unencored: There's only left the Hay Hotel.
Where is Piano Mary say, Who dwelt where Hell's Gates leave the street, And all the tunes she used to play Along your spine beneath the sheet? She was a morsel passing sweet And warmer than the gates of hell Who tunes her now between the feet Go ask them at the Hay Hotel.
Nay never ask this week, fair Lord. If, where they are now, all goes well, So much depends on bed and board They give them in the Hay Hotel.
The names of its brothel-keepers, bullies, and frequenters were typical of a city which, like Vienna, had forged for itself a distinct identity. There were certainly not Irish nor wholly English names. Dublin names, euphonious and romantic. Nora Seymour, Piano Mary, Dick Lynam, Becky Cunnian, Teasey Ward, May Oblong, Mrs. Mack, Jem Plant, Maggie Arnott and Liverpool Kate. - Oliver St. J. Gogarty (As I was going down Sackville Street) Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | |
A Hay Hotel (Hungarian)
Egy ablakban széna-halom, mint kemencében venyige, oda jártunk mind hajnalon könnyű kora-reggelire: volt sok piás, csinos bige, sok melós, ki hajnalba' kel, multunkról nem vall semmi se majdan, csupán a Hay Hotel.
Hol a Kipsből a sok strigó, bukisok s az oltári szajhák, kiken volt lovagolni jó, míg miénk volt a fiatalság, Tyrone Street, kis csukák, nagy harcsák, Faithful Place, hová tűntek el? A többit bárhogy is kutassák, nem maradt, csak a Hay Hotel.
Dick Lyman volt ám a legény, szálfa termet - ő is legörbedt? Haverja Jem Plant volt, szegény, a tallér-köldökű - a szőke Norah Seymour szerette őket, tudták ezt mind távol s közel; eltünt sok ház, hol lődörögtek, egy kivétel a Hay Hotel.
Friss Nelly, Mrs. Mack oda, May Oblong s az N. utca 5, hol oly gulyás volt, hogy csoda, s jó ital mindenek fölött; ennyi éj, s eltűnt, mint a köd, nem maradt egy pezsgős kehely, zöld helyébe a szürke jött, és maradt csak a Hay Hotel.
Csupa rom, hol hajdan sereg tivornyás banda harsogott, újonc matróz tört üveget, élvhajhász tőzsér hortyogott, hol Luke Erwin ölelt lotyót, s a lépcsőt Elwood nyalta fel; van egy s más, mit feledni jobb - maradt csupán a Hay Hotel.
Hol van Zongorás Mary, mondd, ki Hell's Gate-nél lakott, s a vad melódiák, mit hátadon játszott a takaró alatt? Édes volt, tüzes csöpp falat, pokol-kapu úgy nem tüzel. Lába közt ki játszik ma? Csak egy felelhet, a Hay Hotel.
Herceg, ne kérdezd, nem szabad, akárhol vannak, jó a hely, ha oly kosztot és ágyat ad, mint hajdanán a Hay Hotel.
Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | T. I. |