Ady Endre: Kate at Mass (Kató a misén in English)
Kató a misén (Hungarian)Pompás, fehér Karácsony-éjen Kidobta a szikrázó hóba, Kidobta a havas semmibe Magzatját a papék Katója.
Aztán Kató, a kis cseléd-lyány, Szédülve, tántorogva, félve, Ahogy illik, elment maga is Éjféli, szent, vidám misére.
Kató gazdája, az izmos pap S falusi nyája énekelnek: »Dicsértessék az egek ura, Hogy megszületett az a gyermek,
Az a gyermek, ott Betlehemben.« Kató fölsír a papi szóra S az a gyermek, a betlehemi, Könnyezve tekint le Katóra.
Kate at Mass (English)Kate, who works at the house of the priest, During a splendid, white Christmas night, Had thrown her foetus out in the snow, Had thrown it into that sparkling white.
Then Kate, the little serving girl, whilst Staggering, dizzy, shaking with fright, As it is fitting, also attends The cheery Mass of that holy night.
The master of Kate, the brawny priest And his village flock, with voices raised, Sing to the mighty Lord of Heaven: "For birth of that child your name be praised,
That child who was born at Bethlehem." Hearing the priest, Kate suddenly cries, And the child, the one from Bethlehem, Looks down at Kate with tears in his eyes.