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Kosztolányi Dezső: That was the night when... (Azon az éjjel in English)

Portre of Kosztolányi Dezső

Azon az éjjel (Hungarian)

Azon az éjjel
az órák összevissza vertek.
Azon az éjjel
holdfényben úsztak mind a kertek.
Azon az éjjel
kocsik robogtak a kapunk alatt.
Azon az éjjel
könnyben vergődtek a fülledt szavak.
Azon az éjjel
égett szobánkba gyertya, lámpa.
Azon az éjjel
féltünk a borzasztó homályba.
Azon az éjjel
arcunk ijedt volt, halavány.
Azon az éjjel
halt meg szegény, ősz nagyapám.

Azon a reggel
csupa rokon jött, sirató nép.
Azon a reggel
sürögtek az öreg mosónék.
Azon a reggel
kendővel kötötték fel gyönge állát.
Azon a reggel
lassan vezettek a földúlt szobán át.
Azon a reggel
rozsdás pénzt tettek kék szemére.
Azon a reggel
riadtan bámultam feléje.
Azon a reggel
csak hallgatott makacs ajakkal.
Azon a reggel
olyan volt, mint egy néma angyal.

Uploaded byFehér Illés
Source of the quotation

That was the night when... (English)

That was the night when
clocks ticked in some topsy-turvy ways.
That was the night when
gardens floated in moon's silver haze.
That was the night when
When coaches rumbled and came right inside.
That was the night when
Stodgy words floundered in a teary tide.
That was the night when
candles and lamps were burning our room.
That was the night when
All of us, scared, were trembling in the gloom.
That was the night when
Our faces were pale and scared, teary eyed.
That was the night when
my poor old, grey-haired, grandfather died.
That was the morning
when all our kin came, they gathered to wail.
That was the morning
when washer women were bustling with their pail.
That was the morning
when with a headscarf, they tied up his chin,
That was the morning
When I was slowly lead through the messy room,
That was the morning
when rusty coins close the blue of his eyes,
That was the morning
when I had watched him with startled surprise,
That was the morning
he was just quiet, lips stubborn, unheard.
That was the morning
he was like mute angels: lacking a word. 

Uploaded byLeslie A. Kery
Source of the quotationMagyarul Bábelben
