Áprily Lajos oldala, Angol életrajz
[Angol] [Magyar]
1887 born in Brassó (Transylvania)
1890 student in Székelyudvarhely (Transylvania)
1899 student of the Protestant College of Kolozsvár
1909 Teacher’s Diploma for Hungarian and German Literature; becomes a teacher in Nagyenyed
1913 first son born, Zoltán Jékely, who later becomes a poet
1918 under the pen name Áprily, publishes first poem in the journal, Új Erdély (New Transylvania)
1923 obtains a Teacher’s Diploma in French Language and Literature in Dijon
1926 moves to Kolozsvár with his family, becomes a teacher of the famous Protestant College
1928 Editor of the literary periodical, Erdélyi Helikon
1929 moves to Budapest
1934 becomes the Director of the Baár-Madas Institute for Girls; one of his most dedicated students is the poet Ágnes Nemes Nagy
1935 journeys in Europe
1942 for a short period moves back to his homeland
1943 builds a home in Szentgyörgypuszta (close to Budapest and Visegrád