A gazdagság álma (Magyar)
Hűvös park, őszi reggelek: Dér-ittasan leszállingóznak Valakire Vörhenyes tölgyfa-levelek.
Valakinek szeme ragyog, Szórja a levelet marokkal S cseng a szive: »Halleluja, szép aranyok.«
Kél a nap s irigyen nevet: Valaki boldog. Csönd a parkban És hullanak Garmadával a levelek. |
The dream of riches (Angol)
The park is cool: fall's morning shift.
Drunk with the hoar-frost, floating down
Upon someone
Are russet oak leaves, down they drift.
Someone's eyes are sparkling and bold,
By the fistfuls he’s spreading the leaves
And his heart rings:
“Hallelujah, what pretty gold”.
The sun's rising with grudging grin:
Someone is happy. The park is still,
And falling leaves
Come down in heaps, and fly, and spin.