Ady Endre: Szeress engem, Istenem
Szeress engem, Istenem (Magyar)Istenem földben, fűben, kőben, Sokat emlegetlek, citállak: Szeress engem, ha tudsz szeretni, Szeress engem s ölelj át szépen, Úgy szeretnék szabad úr lenni, Így kell csókolni s megmaradni
Love me, my God (Angol)My God in earth, grass and stone, may we Trouble each other no more this day: Often I walk in the cemetery.
Often I tell of Thee and Thy word: Thou art today the truest Art-Not, Relic of old Hungarian lore.
Love me, if Thou art able to love, Love me, for alas, I am despised And it is a good thing to be loved.
Love me and clasp me to Thy bosom, Alas, we live in a wicked world And on bread depends my salvation.
How I would like to be fancy-free! But my life and my fate are foreordained: So must I be born, so must I eat,
So must I run the race, so love, So must I make great plans, so beg, And always give and give and give.