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Brekke, Paal oldala, Angol életrajz

Brekke, Paal portréja
Brekke, Paal
(Paal Emanuel Brekke)


Paal Brekke (17 September 1923 – 2 December 1993) was a Norwegian lyricist, novelist, translator of poetry, and literary critic. Brekke fled from occupied Norway to Sweden in 1940, when he was 17 years old. He made his literary debut in 1942, with the poetry collection Av din jord er vi til (From thy soil we exist). His first novel was På flukt (On the run, 1946). Brekke has been called the father of modernism in Norway. He was awarded the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature in 1972 for the poetry collection Aftenen er stille (Quiet is the evening). He received the Dobloug Prize in 1981.


(Az oldal szerkesztője: P. T.)

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