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Benő Attila: (paper man) ((papírember) in English)

Portre of Benő Attila

(papírember) (Hungarian)

Tegnap a papírembert

feltűzték négy rajzszeggel.

(Kimért, testre szabott teher.)

Ma időtlenséggel veri a reggel.

Vékony derekát rebegteti a tavasz éle.

Olyan mintha valóban élne.

Uploaded byN.Ullrich Katalin
Source of the quotationBenő Attila

(paper man) (English)

Yesterday the paper man

was pinned up with four thumbtacks.

(Weighed out, tailor-made burden.)

Morning curses it with agelessness.

Its slender waist is fluttered by spring.

Looks as if it was really living.

Uploaded byN.Ullrich Katalin
Source of the quotationsaját
