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Karádi Kázmér: Modern Villon (Modern Villon in English)

Portre of Karádi  Kázmér
Portre of Kery, Leslie A.

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Modern Villon (Hungarian)

Kétfilteres élet,
Beton aroma,
Instant lóvé
Melyből nem sokra
Ágyam a föld,
Takaróm az ég,
Halott testem
Mások jólétét

Uploaded byBandi András
Source of the quotation

Modern Villon (English)

Twice-filtered life,
Concrete aroma.
Instant dough
For which not much
Can be had.
My bed's the earth,
My cover the sky,
My dead remains
Are manure
For the well-being of others.

Uploaded byLeslie A. Kery
Source of the quotationMagyarul Bábelben
