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Dickinson, Emily: (Megtagadtuk? Meg? Őt?) ((Did we disobey Him?) in Hungarian)

Portre of Dickinson, Emily
Portre of Israel Efraim

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(Did we disobey Him?) (English)

Did we disobey Him?
Just one time!
Charged us to forget Him —
But we couldn't learn!

Were Himself — such a Dunce —
What would we — do?
Love the dull lad — best —
Oh, wouldn't you?
(1861 körül)

Uploaded byEfraim Israel
Source of the quotationinternet

(Megtagadtuk? Meg? Őt?) (Hungarian)

Megtagadtuk? Meg? Őt?
Mondta, felejtsük el Őt —
S kemény volt fejünk!

Volna Ő — olyan Buta —
Mit tennénk — hm?
Szeretnénk — bután —
Talán te nem?

Uploaded byEfraim Israel
Source of the quotationsaját fordítás
