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József Attila: Cradling rhyme (Ringató in English)

Portre of József Attila

Ringató (Hungarian)

Holott náddal ringat,
holott csobogással,
kékellő derűvel,
tavi csókolással.

Lehet, hogy szerelme
földerül majd mással,
de az is ringassa
ilyen ringatással.

Source of the quotation

Cradling rhyme (English)

Though reed-like her cradling,
though her babbling bliss is,
with cheer like the blue sky,
and with lake-side kisses,
could be that her love will
with someone else rebound,
let her then be cradled
the way she here had found.

Uploaded byLeslie A. Kery
Source of the quotationMagyarul Bábelben
